Wednesday, May 15, 2019

So what is this thing?

This is a blog for self-improvement read-alongs. I'll cover everything from how-tos (Podcasting for Dummies) to year-in-the-life project-memoirs (The Happiness Project) to writing manuals (No Plot? No Problem!) to parenting help (How to Talk So Kids Will Listen and Listen So Kids Will Talk).

And you are?

I'm a stay-at-home mom, freelance editor, and bibliophile. I want to be better at all those things, and, you know, life in general.

So why are you doing this?

A few reasons. For one, I really do want to be a better [fill in the blank]. I have a shelf of self-help books I need to give myself a kick in the butt to read (maybe I should cover a book about reading all your books!). And I wouldn't be upset if I made a few bucks by linking to the books I talk about to Amazon using an affiliate link.

By the way, I'll be doing that. And did, above.

How often do you post? 

 Hah, about that... typically, I'll read a book, and write about it as I read it, and once I've finished the book, I'll post what I've written on a weekly basis. So in theory, I'll post once a week, probably Mondays. But I may go for stretches where I don't post at all, because I'm in the middle of a book... Or I'll have finished a book before the previous one is done posting, so I'll have multiples going in a week. I may have read a year-in-the-life book and decided to post about it monthly to match the book's format. I may be reading something specific to a certain time of year, like National Novel Writer's Month, and post around that instead of as I finish. So I would recommend subscribing, either here or through your favorite aggregator.

I also plan to make update my twitter account when I update the blog, and I haven't ruled out starting a tumblr. Let's see how it goes. In any case, when I start posting about a book, I'll let you know what that book's posting schedule is going to be.

Can I make a suggestion?

Absolutely! I'm not promising I'll take it, of course, but I'll definitely consider it!

Can I join your read-along?

I do want to keep some control on what gets posted, but if we know each other in brickspace and you're OK with me having editorial control over the posts, then hit me up! (If you know me in brickspace, you already know how...)

Oh, I meant I want to read along and comment!

Awesome! Feel free to start a conversation in the comments. I plan on keeping my comment section pretty non-toxic.

Wow, you're a bitch!

Deleted, blocked, and banned.

But since we're on the topic, I may use slightly salty language. I avoid slurs (and if I use one by accident, don't hesitate to tell me so I can fix it!), but while you should be able to send a link to your mom or your cubicle-mate with no problems, you might want to self-censor before you read a passage to your boss or your 3-year-old.

You mentioned you're an editor? I wrote a thing! 

Cool! Contact me with details and I'll send you a price estimate. And if you're really lucky, I'll slide a coupon code into a post, so make sure you read regularly!

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